Are You Ready to Lead

Presented at Women for Economic and Leadership Development [WELD], NATIONAL Leadership Conference 2021 | By: Rita N. Singh

The session gives women the clarity, confidence and the courage they need to have in their personal and professional life to lead.

First learn to lead yourself: it is the little things you do every day that prepare you for success, Effective leaders, are focused on the daily things that make them better and have impact on others around them.

How do you know when you are ready to lead?

You can evaluate others’ abilities, you are decisive, you are brutally honest, you are ready to be accountable for others’ actions, your life is organized, you are passionate in your role.

How Women Lead Differently

Women leaders are: More assertive and persuasive; Stronger need to get things done; Ignore or bend the rules; Willing to take risks; More emphatic and flexible; Demonstrate an inclusive, team building leadership; Ability to engage your support network

What Do Leaders Do

Model the way; inspire a shared vision; Challenge the process; Enable others to act

How to Develop Leadership Skills

Education; Leadership Training; Coaching, Mentor; Support Network/Environment; Reading

How to Lead During Challenging Times

Leaders take care of themselves; Agility, Resilience; Empathy for people; Communication; Transparency; Unwavering commitment to serve; Be PRESENT, VISIBLE and AVAILABLE

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Are You Ready to Lead

Presented at Women for Economic and Leadership Development [WELD], NATIONAL Leadership Conference 2021

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